Step into our world of adventure through the lens of our gallery. Here, we showcase a curated collection of photos and videos that capture the essence of BBT Adventures. From the exhilarating trails of 4×4 and 4×2 journeys to the serene beauty of nature escapes, each image tells a story of adventure, discovery, and unforgettable experiences. This visual journey is just a glimpse of what awaits you with BBT Adventures.
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Adventures Through the Eyes of Our Guests
"Well informed and no rush. They took the training seriously and took all precautions not to damage vehicles. The route is excellent for entry 4x4 training & know your vehicle. Thank you for the opportunity, I also faced and overcome personal fears with vehicles on 4x4 tracks."
- Ingrid Kruger
"The route was very well prepared and, in my opinion, a safe route for novices to learn but also engaging enough for more experienced 4x4 enthusiasts to enjoy themselves. Something that I learned and took back with me is that when going on a 4x4 adventure, is that you can’t be over prepared. Recoveries are inevitable and being ready and prepared with the correct tools and equipment with you and your vehicle will assist in keeping the momentum to enjoy your route”.
- Jordan Jeffree
“Die mense daar het ons almal baie tuis laat voel. Hulle het tot vir my wat nie vleis eet nie soveel moeite gedoen met die kos. Ek het dit nie verwag nie want ek sou die ander kosse geeet het in plaas van die vleis. Die naweek was nie net leersaam nie, dit was regtig pret. Die kamers was baie skoon gewees, baie netjies. Ek sal enige tyd weer vir so training wil gaan en ek sal ook vir BBT Adventures aanbeveel vir ander."
- Bianca Coetzee